Enigma - Official Theme
Create a great online presence with a minimalist design that highlights your content.
Official Theme
Free Theme
Free Support and Updates
Native Search
Helps readers quickly find content with a fast, built-in search, enhancing user engagement and discovery.
Built-in Comments
Foster meaningful conversations directly on your site with integrated commenting capabilities. Engage your audience and build a community without third-party tools.
Dark Mode
Enhance user experience with a sleek, eye-friendly dark mode option. Improve readability in low-light environments while offering a modern, stylish look.

Newspaper and magazine Ghost template to bring your content to life — with a minimalist design and beautiful typography. Its beautiful visual features are a way of showcasing your articles and news stories.

Table of Contents


Tripoli highlights featured articles at the site’s top section and recent articles so readers can check your important and recent content from the first look.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What does ‘free official theme’ mean?

What is the scope of your support?

How fast do you respond to support inquiries?

What if I need help with an issue in this template?

What is the period of your support?

What happens after the support period ends? Will I still be able to use the theme?

What does ‘free updates’ mean?

Do I need to know how to code to use your theme?

Can I change the fonts?

Can I modify and customize the theme?

Are you available for theme customizations?

Which plan will I need to support your themes?

Home, 404, About, Blog(CMS), Coming Soon, Contact, Legal, Services
Related Templates
Free . Official Theme
Free . Official Theme
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