
How to set up a Favicon in PublishFi

Set a favicon - the small browser tab icon - in PublishFi to enhance your site's visual identity.

Set up a favicon

To set a favicon for your website, go to Pages Settings. Under General, you will find the option to upload a custom favicon. It is recommended to use a 32 × 32 pixel PNG image.

Upload Favicon in Page Settings

Having trouble seeing the favicon appear in Search ?

Google may take a few days (usually) to weeks (rare) to update favicons. Follow their guidelines to ensure proper implementation, which you can review here

Favicon still not changing in Google Search results?

Favicons are updated by Google infrequently, so it might take time for the new favicon to appear in google searches. It can take several weeks or longer for Google to fetch and display the updated favicon. Please be patient, this process may take some time.

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